Current version
DC Scope 8.7.0
- DC Scope 8.1.X
- DC NetScope 8 (in case want to update DC NetScope).
- From the DC Scope® interface, upload the update file to the virtual machine.
- From the VMware console, launch the update process. Wait for the update to finish (installation of new packages, information updates). This may take several minutes (depending on the size of the database/number of registered users). The update ends with a reboot of the virtual machine.
Update file
Features / Patches for DC Scope : * ADD proxmox connector * ADD nutanix connector (beta) * ADD “Consumption resources” section for Kubernetes Features / Patches for DC Netscope : * FIX Apps groups not properly recognized * FIX API inaccessible after update on old installation * API security fixes * Various stability and display fixes & improvements
Features / Patches for DC Netscope : * Application of rules defined in Custom Protocols * Recognition of external IPs defined as a network * Load history graph into dashboard
Features / Patches for DC Scope : * FIX Server/VM costs * ADD Windows 2022 into "Operating System detail" map * Various stability and display fixes & improvements
Features / Patches for DC Scope : * FIX SQL injection vulnerabilites * Various stability and display fixes & improvements
Features / Patches for DC Scope : * ADD Proxy suppport for AWS/Azure/GCP
* FIX KPI report generation for shared filter
* FIX Cluster synthesis consumption calendar
* Various stability and display fixes & improvements
Features / Patches for DC Scope : * FIX SQL Injection vulnerability on login page
Features / Patches for DC Scope : * New AWS/Azure/GCP dashboards, graphs & analysis * Various stability and display fixes & improvements
Features / Patches for DC Netscope :
* Graphic redesign and improved ergonomics
* Ability to generate reports
* Supervision of external flows with geographic location analysis
* Automatic apps groups
* Public API
Features / Patches for DC Scope : * New GCP connector * Added management of Capacity Planning simulations * Various stability and display fixes & improvements
Bugs correction for DC Scope * FIX API timeout problem when creating filters * FIX ghost VMs not displayed in reports
New DC Netscope features
Bugs correction for DC Scope * FIX Cloud Impact * FIX ldap connector
- Add templates creation for Capacity Planning
- New DC Netscope features
Bugs correction for DC NetScope * Management of tags that share an identical name * Better identification of vmware resources associated with a network flow
Bugs correction for DC Scope & CO2 Scope * Capacity Planning with WD filter * New features for DCNetscope :
- Added the notion of apps-groups in DC Netscope: these are selectable groups of VMs that allow to clean up what is displayed in the visualizations. These groups can be created manually or imported from the VMware Tags
- Possibility to define external IPs as part of the infrastructure: they will appear in the visualizations next to the VMs
- Added a diagnostic page to determine the operating status of DC Netscope
- Improved fluidity for switching from one graphical component to another
Bugs correction for DC Scope & CO2 Scope * Capacity Planning vcpu as float * New vCPU resizing * GreenIT report : only VM from selection filter
Bugs correction for DC Scope & CO2 Scope
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
Bug correction for DC Netscope: - Winter/Summer time - Improved recognition of network ports in streams - Increase of the maximum size of downloadable objects from the internal API
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
- New module Cloud Impact - Bug fixes in the GrennIndex Global CO2 for VMs and the GreenIT settings. - General bug fixes and performance improvements.
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DC Scope-8.2.1 - - new user management (users, user groups), redesign of the AD connector - GreenIndex - GreenIt : new settings (purchase date, depreciation, etc.) carbon information in the dashboard, recommendations new Analyzes sub-section (carbon impacts of resizing, carbon efficiency of servers month/month) - new connectors + new section "External Cloud" : monitoring / analyses / finops for AWS and Azure - new connector + new "vCloud Director" section - Snapshots" view in the "Storage" menu
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
* Bug fixes and performance improvements.
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DC Scope-8.1.4 - * Bug fixes and performance improvements.
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DC Scope-8.1.3 - * Bug fixes and performance improvements.
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DC Scope-8.1.2 - * Bug fixes on the settings of the filters and the costs
DC NetScope-8.1.2 - * Improved interactions between components * Export of visualizations in SVG format * Use of "heatmaps" type components to ensure temporal navigation * Improved resource search * Bug fixes
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DCScope-8.1.1 - * Compatibility with DC NetScope * Share of user filters * Reports GreenIT * Advanced cost management via tags * Ressource Pool information * Resa. Stocka. sur Capa. * SmartAutoFilters
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DCScope-8.0.5 - *Minor bugs.
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DCScope-8.0.4 - *Minor bugs involving the Graph on Demand, Time Views and User management.
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DCScope-8.0.0 - *Une interface simple et intuitive pour intégrer le coût interne des VMs. *Une nouvelle fonctionnalité “My Cloud Pricing” pour définir les coûts des VMs en tant que Cloud public. *Les cartes du tableau de bord pouvant désormais être définies pour chaque utilisateur. *Sur le versant “Gestion des utilisateurs”, la possibilité d’affecter des rôles spécifiques.
INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: *DC Scope needs to be running the version 7.4.1 to migrate the current database to the new version. *The update to DC Scope requires the deployment of a new OVA in the infrastructure.
The update file is no longer available. Please download the most recent version.
DCScope-7.4.0 -Bug fix: *Update of cloud-pricing data -Features: *Green IT module. *Default views for the graph on demand. *New cluster overview organization. *Capacity Planning Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery simulations. *Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly consumption views for VM, Servers, and Clusters. DCScope-7.4.1 Bug fix: *Disk Latency information provided in the Datastores View. *Consolidation of data in the Green IT module.Download DC Scope 7.4.1
DCScope-7.3.1 - Bug fix: * VM Lifecycle infos * Cpu ready % into GraphOnDemand / Alerts * Alerts notifications * API daily WD - Features * Capacity Planning performance.Update file no longer available, please download the update 7.4.1
DCScope-7.3 - Features * Working days * Alerts (add filters) * Weekly Calendar View * Servers overview into report * ESXI install date information into Server Synthesis * Locations informations (Datacenter / Cluster / Server / VM) into Synthesis viewsUpdate file no longer available, please download the update 7.4.1
DCScope-7.2 - Features * Alert module * Powershell scripts for recommendations * Plugin for vCenter (6.5 U2 or upper) * Custom allocation templates for Capacity PlanningUpdate file no longer available, please download the update 7.4.1
DCScope-7.1.0 - Features: * Reservation percentage for Capacity Planning * New dashboard opportunities *Detailed report for a given VM *API for requesting VM reports.Update file no longer available, please download the update 7.4.1