
The high consumption of PoE phone

DID YOU KNOW? A simple office phone powered by PoE (Power over Ethernet) consumes as much as a laptop for the year? For a very low use compared to its activity time , telephone POE…
Virtualization + Green IT Let’s check our environmental impact

DC Scope 7.4.1 is available

A new version of DC Scope is now available for download. This new version brings us to our roots of Green IT and sustainable development by adding a new module to measure, track, and reduce…

Webinar vExperts: Meet DC Scope®

vExperts: Meet DC Scope® 19 May 2020 1st session 10:00 CET 2nd session 19:00 CETPlease fill out the form below to join the webinar We at EasyVirt believe in the power of communities, we think…

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