
CO2 Scope intro.001

CO2 Scope is available now!

CO2 Scope has been developed to help organizations to measure, analyze and reduce the carbon footprint of IT infrastructures and cloud environments. The solution measures the energy consumption, CO2 emissions, IT resources and usage of…

EasyVirt present at Start West

EasyVirt Start comes to the West 09/04/2014. For the 14th edition of Start West EasyVirt was selected for its innovative project in the field of TIC. For more information on: https://www.start-west.com/en
Usercon Netherlands

Usercon in the Netherlands

Easyvirt was present at the Usercon in the Netherlands, the largest European VMUG group in Europe. Easyvirt participated in the virtual machineug Usercon held last Thursday March 21th at the Netherlands, in Utrecht. This is…

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