
EasyVirt: One of the seven successful digital Nantes

In the sector of the digital technology of Nantes, Easyvirt is one of the finest achievements of Nantes as we watch the article on the site 20/03/2014 https://www.nantes-developpement.com   Article on website: https://www.nantes-developpement.com/economie/secteurs-activites/7-reussites-numeriques-nantaises/view
VMware vExpert 2020

A big thank you to all the vExperts 2020

The superheroes in the VMware virtualization industry We at EasyVirt believe in the power of communities, we think that success is accomplished only by sharing and helping others to growth with us. We also believe…

EasyVirt launches DC Scope®

Today, EasyVirt launches its new decision-making tool. DC Scope® will allow you to watch your infrastructure and plan in a effective way your purchases of equipment. For more information, discover the page of information (https://www.easyvirt.com/en/dcscope-operations-management/) of DC Scope or contact…

Discover how to easily manage your virtualization VMware