Green Code Lab Challenge 2014
EasyVirt, partner du Green Code Lab Challenge 2014 “The biggest challenge of Green International Development for students still software called Eco-design took place from 26 to 28 November 2014 throughout France and six other…
Back on the Forum of innovation of Atlanpole
We were present on Tuesday, January 20th in the Forum of Atlanpole. This forum allows to discover inovative companies and to make mettings. EasyVirt presented innovative software solution that allows DC Scope® management of virtual servers.…
EasyVirt: One of the seven successful digital Nantes
In the sector of the digital technology of Nantes, Easyvirt is one of the finest achievements of Nantes as we watch the article on the site 20/03/2014 https://www.nantes-developpement.com Article on website: https://www.nantes-developpement.com/economie/secteurs-activites/7-reussites-numeriques-nantaises/view
VMWorld Barcelona 2019
The event was a great opportunity to be closer to virtualization users but also to re-connect with clients, partners and bloggers. VMWorld Barcelona 2019 Two weeks after the VMWorld in Barcelona we are still impressed…
Easyvirt in the Usercon Poland!
Easyvirt was present during the VMUG Usercon held in Warsaw on February 27. Here are some highlights of the event. We arrived early morning at the Hilton Warsaw Hotel and Convention Centre where the event…
Oversized servers, we have to take action
Oversized servers : The COP21 is ending, the excepted objectives, will certainly not be up to the climate challenge. Nevertheless it’s clear that we are in an energy transition period. Informatics is becoming more and…