

DC Scope® 7.3.1 is available now!

Following our mission and in response to the market challenges, we are continuously improving and enriching our solution. Each new version is the result of needs of our customers, vExperts and vSphere users and our…

DC Scope® feedback : Cetih

Discover the feedback of Cetih (Company of Technical and Industrial Equipment for the Habitat.). – DC Scope® feedback Cristophe Bussy revealed us his impressions about our management for virtualized servers solution. “We learned about DC…
EasyVirt – Roadshow

VMUG Roadshow France 2021

The VMUGFR took us on the roads of France for its first tour! September 16th 2021, marked the beginning of a great adventure: the VMUG France Roadshow. As a reminder, VMUG is the VMware User…

Discover how to easily manage your virtualization VMware