
EasyVirt – Roadshow

VMUG Roadshow France 2021

The VMUGFR took us on the roads of France for its first tour! September 16th 2021, marked the beginning of a great adventure: the VMUG France Roadshow. As a reminder, VMUG is the VMware User…
How to idenfity VM idle

How to identify an idle virtual machine

What is the objective of this? Simple because creating virtual machines is quick and easy and after a few months they can become hundreds or even thousands. Once you create a virtual machine you normally…

EasyVirt present at Start West

EasyVirt Start comes to the West 09/04/2014. For the 14th edition of Start West EasyVirt was selected for its innovative project in the field of TIC. For more information on: https://www.start-west.com/en
Capacity Planner VMware

VMware Capacity Planner with DC Scope

DC Scope allows you to identify the resource needs in your VMware vSphere environment thanks to its Capacity Planning functionality. With just a few clicks, you can simulate the addition, removal, or consolidation of your…

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