
DC Scope® V5 is now available!

DC Scope®, our virtualization and capacity planning management solution continues to evolve. Here is an enriched version, but still easy to use, This V5 has been designed according to the EasyVirt philosophy “meet the functional…

Our road to the VMWorld Barcelona 2019 – Episode 1

Easyvirt has participated in various national operations and audits with the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management -ADEME- to measure energy consumption and efficiency of IT equipment within private companies and public institutions.…
EasyVirt – Roadshow

VMUG Roadshow France 2021

The VMUGFR took us on the roads of France for its first tour! September 16th 2021, marked the beginning of a great adventure: the VMUG France Roadshow. As a reminder, VMUG is the VMware User…

EasyVirt present at Start West

EasyVirt Start comes to the West 09/04/2014. For the 14th edition of Start West EasyVirt was selected for its innovative project in the field of TIC. For more information on: https://www.start-west.com/en

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