EasyVirt: One of the seven successful digital Nantes
In the sector of the digital technology of Nantes, Easyvirt is one of the finest achievements of Nantes as we watch the article on the site 20/03/2014 https://www.nantes-developpement.com Article on website: https://www.nantes-developpement.com/economie/secteurs-activites/7-reussites-numeriques-nantaises/view
COP21 agreement ratified, it’s our turn to act !
It happened a few days ago! After the USA, China, India, …, the European Union ratified Paris agreement, established during COP21. The World Summit that took place one year ago, had helped to set up…
Capacity planning and simulation : Testimonial of French National Institute of Agricultural Research with DC Scope – EASYVIRT
” I met EasyVirt during an audit on the energy consumption of our IT infrastructure at our research center located in Betton”. I had a very good connection with the CEO of Easyvirt and we…