
EasyVirt present at Start West

EasyVirt Start comes to the West 09/04/2014. For the 14th edition of Start West EasyVirt was selected for its innovative project in the field of TIC. For more information on: https://www.start-west.com/en
Usercon Italy

Usercon in Milan! Our first visit to Italy

On April 10th took place the Usercon in Italy, and more precisely in the international fashion and design capital: Milan. Here we have some highlights of our participation in the VMUG Usercon Milan 2019. We arrived at…

Certification pole “images & réseaux”

EasyVirt is now certified “images & réseaux”. As part of its activities in TIC, Easyvirt became member of the pole of competitiveness “images & réseaux” which gathers the actors of information technologies, telecoms and broadcasting…

Easyvirt in press

Last news of EasyVirt Vous trouverez ci-dessous, plusieurs lien vous permettant de lire un certain nombre d’articles paru dans la presse web ou papier au sujet d’EasyVirt:

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