Our road to the VMWorld Barcelona 2019 – Episode 2

At Easyvirt we are committed to a better understanding of Green IT, and that is why our solutions are designed to promote efficiency and responsable use of IT equipment by improving the performance of datacenters while reducing the waste of resources as hardware, energy and money.

Easyvirt will be participating in the VMWorld 2019 as a New Innovator! We will be presenting DC Scope®, the intuitive and cost-effective monitor and operations manager for VMware. In France DC Scope® has been widely known over the last years, but this time we will be taking our solution to the big leagues on the VMWorld 2019 in Barcelona.
Who are we? What are we doing? Why are we doing it? We are answering all these questions in a few short episodes!

Our values – We promote Green IT

For many people Green IT is just a marketing lever or a phrase to include in order to sound trendy. For us, Green IT is in our roots. We believe that digital transformation must be accompanied -and not being halt by- energy transition, keeping IT operations in the core of the businesses needs but with an approach leaded by energy transition and ecological responsibility in the local and global environment.

The capacity of business to set their digital transformation objectives in line with IT efficiency and energy transition can determine their growth and future participation in the market. At Easyvirt we are committed to a better understanding of Green IT, and that is why our solutions are designed to promote efficiency and responsable use of IT equipment by improving the performance of datacenters while reducing the waste of resources as hardware, energy and money.

Our know-how and expertise have been widely recognized by our clients, media, bloggers, vExperts and public agencies as the ADEME, ECO-Innov SME Tremplin Winner, Data Center Code of Conduct, etc.

Some interesting links about our activity:

