DC Scope®

Operations Manager for vSphere

Improve the efficiency of your data center and reduce costs

DC Scope®

DC Scope® allows you to manage your vSphere infrastructure without complexity. It enhances the visibility over your data center, provides key data to increase the efficiency of your servers and enrich the decision making by providing real information about the behavior of your virtual machines.

From its intuitive interface, you can monitor your virtual machines, detect anomalies in your servers, follow the distribution of costs in your data centers, and more. The solution allows you to easily anticipate the need for resources and to simulate the addition of workloads and resources to your infrastructure.

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Easy + Fast + Intuitive

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Key Features

Why are we different?

There are other popular and over-priced tools in the market, but they tend to add more complexity to the operations. DC Scope® has been developed from the real needs of system administrators and CTOs; offering the functionalities needed in the administration of the virtual machines and the direction of the infrastructure.

Fast ROI

DC Scope® allows you to resize virtual machines and consolidate servers in order to increase the efficiency of your data center.

Easy to install

Just one OVA to deploy. No need of agents on the virtual machines.


Developed to answer the common problems for system administrators, without adding complexity to the operations


DC Scope® is an affordable solution licensed per number of virtual machines in the data center.

Ready to use

DC Scope® starts to collect metrics right after the installation and provides the analysis you need in predefined dashboards.


No configurations needed. DC Scope® will start collecting metrics after its installation.

Packaged solution

All modules and functionalities in the same appliance.

Granular information

We collect and store in our own database granular metrics of your virtual machines.


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