Capacity planning and simulation : Testimonial of French National Institute of Agricultural Research with DC Scope – EASYVIRT

” I met EasyVirt during an audit on the energy consumption of our IT infrastructure at our research center located in Betton”.

I had a very good connection with the CEO of Easyvirt and we decided to meet later, in order to know other activities of Easyvirt: it was then when I discovered DC Scope® and after a trial period we decided to adopt the DC Scope® solution. Currently, DC Scope® runs in the background of our infrastructure and captures the metrics of our numerous virtualization platforms.

In general, I use the tool as we have to:

  • Make decisions about the capacity of our platforms and forecast our budget needs.
  • During exchanges with the scientific clients of our platforms, in order to provide them with performance indicators and review of the resources they might need.
  • To provide indicators to the hierarchy during steering committee.

As noted above DC Scope® runs in the background, I do not have to question myself about its operation, it is a real advantage of the solution. It captures metrics transparently and provides me with automatic reports periodically.

In addition to DC Scope® reporting, capacity planning and simulation capabilities (“What if”), I also enjoy working with a human-size company, based in France and able to listen to its customers: proximity is important for me today and is a real added value.

In conclusion, I recommend DC Scope® to all decision-makers, infrastructure managers, and all those who drive virtualization platforms.”